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Investiture de Donald Trump : JFK, Lincoln, Obama : Les citations les plus mémorables des anciens présidents

Avec la prestation de serment, le discours est un des moments forts de l’investiture du président des Etats-Unis.Donald Trump, investi ce lundi 20 janvier, reprendra-t-il les accents populistes de sa première investiture ?Avant lui, Thomas Jefferson avait

This article discusses the history of inaugural speeches by US presidents, focusing on memorable lines from figures like Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Obama, and Trump. The main idea is to highlight how these speeches reflect the key challenges and aspirations of their respective eras. * Jefferson's speech emphasized humanism. * Lincoln's focused on national unity after the Civil War. * Roosevelt's addressed the Great Depression and called out economic inequality. * Obama's invoked a call for unity and progress in times of crisis. * Trump's speeches, both in 2017 and potentially 2023, are noted for their populist tone and focus on promises of "prosperity," "pride," and "security." The piece suggests that Trump's upcoming 2023 speech will offer insight into his continued political agenda and how it compares to his previous inauguration address.

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